No One Speaks
No one speaks on how traumatic it is to love someone who has no motive to love you back. No one speaks on the healing it takes after you have convinced yourself that love is real when actually the whole time you were just convenient. No one speaks on the healing it takes after giving up your body (boy or girl) before you even know what it can truly do. No one speaks on the abuse one must endure loving someone who just wants to use you. No one speaks on how it must feel to move on with no apologies or even a sign of remorse, just to move on to the next who will claim its love, but really its use. No one speaks on how to heal the pain from the one you trusted and defended. No one speaks on how the lack of love from someone you committed to changes you. No one speaks on how young love will leave permanent scars No one speaks... “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” “Keep...