Creating Space

Hello Guys,

I am a very simple speaker and I love to deliver a message, but I also love to keep things short so here it goes. Today I want to speak on creating a space that is conducive of positivity, love, self respect and one that allows you to include self care practices in your everyday routine. I also want to start off by saying that although I know how to create this space I too sometimes stray away from the course. with romantic relationships, new journeys and endeavors as added on stress it can become unclear what my purpose truly is. I become frantic, riddled with anxiety and overall completely way in over my head, but I know when to say enough is enough and restart to reclaim my space. Here is how; for starters I confront my emotions by asking myself how I feel. Once I know that feeling, I then ask myself why I feel that way (which will be a very back breaking question for some, because this question requires one to be honest with themselves). The only way to start on a healthy emotional path is with honesty and if you can not be honest with yourself then that to is something you should make clear. Secondly, I make it clear to myself that although I am not in a space that is ideal I will create one (this will only work if you trust yourself, yet even if you do not. Making this decision and staying true to the process will allow you to do so). Lastly, you must practice replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones. This goes for guilt, reliving the past in your head and assumptions. Those three things are no Bueno and ultimately hold no beneficial value. It is extremely important to eliminate the trinity of mind control (guilt, reliving the past and assumptions), because it leaves no room to live in the moment, to remind yourself of how amazing you are or to give yourself hope that you will grow from anything that once held you back. These things may seem simple and they are, but doing them consistently is the challenge. The ultimate goal is to create a mind that is pure, free from self hate, and extremely powerful over your emotions

Reminder: It is not weird to talk to and listen to yourself, because if you do not then taking care of your well being will become impossible.

Be blessed and stay well. #itdidntkillyou


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